I'm Salli

What 13 years of beauty- and the fashion industry have taught me about life

roughing, rens og eksfoliering

I was with the first modeljob that three-year. But it was only from the time I was about 16 year, at skønheds- and the fashion industry became a regular part of my life and career. First, that model and page makeup artist. It has sometimes been a fucked up business to navigate. But first and foremost I am very grateful for the lessons I have gained over the years and everything I've learned about cooperation, limits and self-esteem.

I have learned much from the 13 year. But there are three themes, som har været særligt styrkende for mig at lære…

Take either compliments or criticism personally

Compliments are lovely, criticism can be the exact opposite. Do not put a stranger in the driver's seat for your self-esteem. Because that's what you do, when you let others' opinions dictate, what you think about yourself.

Although of course it's healthy to listen to constructive feedback, then it is at least as much out there you can not use for anything. It is important to stick to itself, When you navigate and sort of constructive feedback and indifferent criticism.

Kritik – særligt hvis den er ukonstruktiv kan gøre ondt. As much can be compliments fantastic to get, and self-confidence can also just get a notch up. But whether this opinion is positive or negative, then the same pattern: you let other people think about you determine your value. Assigns you too much for some of the parts, then attach one's self-esteem and value in others' hands. To let others define one's value is in my opinion one of the meanest, one can do to oneself!

You will never be able to avoid criticism through your life, and that's okay. Du kan ikke gøre alle glade – du er ikke et fucking glas nutella. However you decide, whether to let this mind take over and replace your own view of yourself. I have worked with this every day for many years, and I still do it, so this is actually deeply even therapeutic to write.

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Especially when I worked as a fashion model was something I had to deal with on every single job, casting og photoshoot. When I was younger could my self-esteem be fully depressed for a job, because I had not realized this. So if one day, for example, had been told, that my thighs were thick, it was then the only thing I could see, and would not think really bad about myself in the days after.

It's hard to get its appearance evaluated and made up in monetary terms. Those who were close to me wondered sometimes rising, why I would be in the industry. But that's the way the job is, and following exciting challenges.

It is not to let others think of me affect my own view of myself is that I said something I still and constantly train. I am actually grateful for, I've got so clearly a lesson in just that relatively early in my life.

Pas på dig selv – der er ikke andre, that does it

In an industry where people (special models) is a product, can some places well come to feel as a tool, not contain emotions, needs or mental and physical limits.

You learn quite safe to be adaptable. You come furthest in putting the diva whims from him, the industry is often blamed for having. If one is down to earth, -working and cooperative, so you get easily good networking relationships and loyal customers. They will book one again and again no matter what role you have in the industry.

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But you should still stick to itself and mark its own needs. On busy days, as the nearest always, then it is easy to forget to eat, drink, pause or something as simple as taking a jacket on, when it's cold in an outdoor location shoot.

But it also applies limits. Limits on how many hours you can work at a time, how much you want to pay and many other points. Only you know your needs and boundaries. Although it is good to be cooperative, it must not be so 'cooperative', forgetting that the brand itself. It is really unhealthy for both body and soul. It is important, to find the balance between being a good employee and colleague while, to listening to themselves.

I learned unfortunately only my needs and limitations as by ignoring them for long. The consequences which it had, was a high price to pay. In this industry is far down the road for himself, and it must be remembered.

Parks your bad days at home

It sounds a bit callous. The truth is just, that one is forced to slam a facade and for a while put the problems aside. It can be challenging to stand in front of the camera and radiate joy, when it is not just how you feel inside that day. But it is even a necessity. Worked ie, can not wait for the day, you feel in a better mood.

Det er sikkert også derfor at mange modeller er udmærkede skuespillere – og flere skuespillere startede faktisk også deres karrierer som modeller. just look Camoron Diaz, Sofia Vergara, Mila Kunis and many others.

As a model, it is impossible to be good at his job, if one takes the privacy of the job. But I think actually on, that as long as no permanent closing of his feelings, so can be a great help for a time, shifting the focus from the problems and on some more positive feelings. It can help to give a different perspective. Meditation and yoga has helped me to find peace, even though you might not feel, it is within reach.

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In the eyes of many is an industry which this total crazy and shallow. It is in some cases it may also. For me it has always been fascinating. Yet because, that basically has always frightened me a little. For some reason I have always wanted to do it, That Scares Me (bortset fra faldskærmsudspring – det behøver jeg ikke!).

I always found it easy to be struck by stage fright and performance anxiety. Many might think, I have chosen the wrong industry, where it is particularly as a model in the extent about staging and often perform at others' premises. Equestrian at the elite level in my childhood and teenagetid seemed probably not the optimal choice of hobby.

But it all has given me the privilege, being forced me, to find tools that made me able to tackle it, I had difficulty. I would never have missed, and I could not imagine having done it differently.

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