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Odc. 7 z dr Cæcilie Johansen o trądziku różowatym

Lekarz, Doktorantka dermatologii i miłośniczka makijażu Cæcilie Johansen przyszła porozmawiać o pięknie, pielęgnacja skóry i trądziku różowatego. Cæcilie pisze doktorat z dermatologii, og så lider hun selv af rosacea. På instagramprofilen @makeupandmedicine.dk dzieli się swoją ogromną wiedzą na temat chorób skóry, pielęgnacja skóry i zabiegi pielęgnacyjne dodały dobrego wyczucia humoru.

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Lyt til episoden herunder

Rosacea er en kronisk hudsygdom, co daje czerwone plamy na skórze twarzy, i które mogą powodować mrowienie i pieczenie skóry. Cæcilie giver hendes bedste råd til hvad du skal undgå i din hudpleje og din hverdag og hvordan du kan holde symptomerne nede med både hudpleje og IPL laser behandlinger.

Pokaż ten post na Instagramie

ROSACEAApril is #RosaceaAwarenesMonth 🌹 This was me during my first pregnancy: ⁠ a sudden eruption of papular rosacea. ⁠ ⁠ Rosacea is a common chronic inflammatory skin condition affecting the face primarily cheeks, nose, chin, central forehead and includes eye symptoms. ⁠ ⁠ It’s believed to be highly under-diagnosed, as mild to moderate cases can go on untreated without consulting a doctor.⁠ ⁠ SYMPTOMS ⁠ Redness, flushing, inflammatory papules and pustules, telangiectasia (dilated blood vessels) and phymatous changes = thickening of the nose (more on subtypes in a later post).⁠ ⁠ SENSITIVE SKIN⁠ People with rosacea often have inherently compromised skin barrier with increased transepidermal water loss and decreased epidermal hydration leading to dryness and sensitive skin. ⁠ ⁠ IN NUMBERS⁠ 5.46% of adults are estimated to suffer from rosacea. Women & men are affected equally (contrary to previous knowledge). Typical onset age 30 to 65. Fair skinned people and familial disposition are more likely to get rosacea.⁠ ⁠ CAUSES⁠ The exact pathogenesis of rosacea is still unclear, however we know:⁠ Microorganisms, like the skin mite Demodex folliculorum and staphylococcus epidermidis, may contribute to development of rosacea by stimulating the innate immune system driving the inflammatory response causing the papules and pustules.⁠ Neurogenic dysregulation of the vessels in the skin may contribute to rosacea symptoms such as flushing and burning.⁠ Genetic heredity also plays a role.⁠ ⁠ See a dermatologist if you suspect that you suffer from rosacea.⁠ ⁠ #rosacea #RosaceaCommunity #RosaceaAwarenessMonth #dermatology #skinHealth #redskin #inflamedskin #skincarecommunity #DanishSkincareCommunity⁠ #medicaldoctor #læge⁠ #MakeupAndMedicine #makeupandmedicinedk

Post udostępniony przez Caecilie Johansen (@makeupandmedicine.dk) den

Cæcilie har fået lavet sine IPL laser behandlinger til at behandle rosacea hos N’age i København.

Symptomer på rosacea

De første symptomer på er rødme i huden. Rødmen skyldes, at blodkarrene udvider sig nær hudens overflade. Man kan mærke en form for prikken og stikken i huden. Små knopper og bumser kan udvikle sig. De spreder sig over næsen, kinderne, panden og hagen. Det kan fx være tricket af varm mad og drikke (fx som den kaffe som Cæcilie nævner i episoden, at hun drikker og mærker påvirker hendes hud), sollys og alkohol.

Cæcilie Johansen, læge om rosacea - makijażimedycyna.dk

Find Cæcilie / @makeupandmedicine.dk her:


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