Cleansing and Detox – when I 'reset’ my eating habits
When you want to change something, then it is mostly a process, one must surrender to and be persistent about. Although I have for some years been experimenting with various diets and lifestyles. I have tested different diets and ways to eat on, both because I'm damn curious and interested in the topic, but also to mark on their body, how it feels, When avoiding fat, carbohydrates, gluten. Or the other way around – bases his diet on raw vegetables, soup or good fat sources.
Here in the summer you just can not hide behind jeans and sweaters, as one can in the cool months. Bumps, cellulite, buds and hairiness – everything becomes visible in the fine, newly purchased summer dress, and personally it makes me always a little extra vain.
As I have mentioned before on this blog, så er der ikke mange quickfixes til hverken en smuk hud eller en toptunet krop. or alright, the ER cheat tricks… But the move, after all, not mountains, visual kun er
I have experimented and labeled in accordance
When it comes to detox cleansing and, there are many different opinions. It is as if, that for every specialist you ask, then you get a new answer. Therefore, it has for me been essential even noticing after, how my body thrives, when I command the one or the other.
It has at times also been some confusion in the family. One month I touched no pork, rapeseed and e-numbers, næste måned var det mælkeprodukter og gangen efter var det noget helt nyt 😉
I am always in favor of a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle. But I also have periods, where work and chores take up much. Der har jeg mindre overskud til at bage lowcarb brød, juice organic vegetables, grow herbs for my anti-inflammatory parsley pesto, produce milk free cheese spread of cashews, etc.. And although it is probably precisely in the periods, my body and my brain most need it, så sker det altså bare ikke. Jeg snyder og tyer til de nemme løsninger, satme and they are not always healthy or sensible. It can also be felt on the body and mind after a relatively short time.
Når så den usunde spiral af hvidt sandwichbrød, chocolate biscuits, fried mozzarellasticks and chili cheese tops driving on, I know, it is mad. Så laver jeg det jeg kalder en udrensning. Basically it's probably really more about, at ryste op i mine usunde vaner. I jump out and act delicious vegetables like cabbage, artichoke, spinach m.m. and fish oil and probiotics. It is the alpha and omega, at jeg gør det til en selvforkælelsesting, and NOT a punishment, where I hit myself in the head.
Jeg bikser nogle af mine bedste grønne opskrifter sammen:
Snack: apple with peanut butter and cinnamon
Blood sugar Friendly raspberry jam m. chiafrø
I am inspired often by Susy Basic Dahl's delicious recipes from her book retro Kuren. And if I'm really ambitious, I follow the entire book, and takes a week on raw ØkoGrønt, and Snacker berries, salted almonds, cashews, core crispbread and drinking ginger shots in long paths.
After this one week I feel dietary reset. Jeg er ikke længere en slave af min sukkertrang og chipscravings. Instead, I can select and mark, what my body needs and whether it is hungry, thirsty or tired. That's reason enough for me to occasionally, to take such a cure. To my stomach then completely flat, min hud er glødende og at både energi og humør er i top efterfølgende er jo kun et plus 🙂 Somme tider tilføjer jeg lidt ekstra gode kosttilskud som fx. chlorella til min detox / kostnulstillingsuge.
Hvis du er nysgerrig og overvejer en udrensningkur/kostnulstilling, then there are some good candidates (and rates!) on supplements at, where you also find probiotic bacteria and the good fish oil from Nordic Naturals with citrus flavor.
Fiskeolien fra Nordic Naturals er også en af mine favoritter <3
Yes til minus fiskebøvser 😀